Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why The Obsession With Arugula?

I was reading this story on The Washington Post's site. At the end of the story a McCain spokesperson is quoted as saying:

"In terms of who's an elitist, I think people have made a judgment that John McCain is not an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type based on his life story."

This isn't the first time I've seen eating arugula equated with elitism. What's up with that? I admit, I don't think I've ever eaten arugula (in fact, I had to look it up on Wikipedia), so I want to know why there's all this hate for it. Is it like spinach for Popeye, except instead of inducing super-strength it induces moral relativism and an inflated sense of self-worth?

It doesn't look all that threatening. With all the anti-arugula sentiment coming from the right I expected it to look more like this:

So, let's lay off the poor arugula, huh? It's clearly not hurting anyone.


  1. I'm thankful with your blog it is very useful to me.

  2. It's true! These people are latching onto a simple green to bash someone. It's one of the silliest things I've ever heard. OMG! That cheerio-eating bastard!

  3. For that matter, I have to wonder, why is elitism such a damning charge? Shouldn't we want our leaders to be elite?

  4. Yes, I want my leaders to be elite--in some things. I want them to be smarter, more accomplished, and more able than me. As for other elites--fussier eaters, snappier dressers, etc.--I don't care. They can lead or not lead. No matter.

    But for some people, it matters because it suggests that the leader might not understand the people s/he's meant to serve. "Arugula" is nonthreatening to me because I eat it and love it. So what if Obama does too? That same freakish green might be threatening to people who don't see it in their local grocery store and don't even know what it is because it suggests that Obama might as well be from some other planet altogether. "How can he fix my tax problem if he doesn't eat human food?"
