The Moment Blog at NYTimes.com reveals that comic book character Savage Dragon is endorsing Barak Obama for President. This got me thinking, who are other superheroes endorsing. So, I've put on my thinking cap and here are my best guesses:
Superman - I know he's a reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper, and therefore, if right wing talk radio is to be believed, he's automatically a liberal, but I don't know. I always kind of thought that good old Kansas farm boy Clark Kent would actually be a closet Republican. He and Reagan certainly were on pretty friendly terms in the '80's.

I guarantee you that Lois is voting Obama, though.
Batman - Bruce Wayne has to be an Obama man. Look at "The Dark Knight", he's throwing his support behind Harvey Dent. Why? Because Harvey Dent is offering hope to Gotham. Well, Obama has all but copyrighted the word hope, so naturally Bruce is going for him. Or he would if he could be bothered to vote. That's the thing about obsessed vigilantes, they can't be counted on to make the time to get to the voting booth.
Captain America - Cap's dead right now, and while that wouldn't necessarily preclude him from voting in Chicago or Louisiana, I think he'll be sitting this election out.
Green Lantern - There are actually four GLs from Earth, though two of them currently live on Oa. Can you get an absentee ballot at the center of the universe? Hal Jordan probably likes Obama fine, but I think he'll ultimately lean toward McCain. They're both pilots, they're both military, and McCain probably reminds him a bit of his dad. John Stewart will vote Obama, and not just because he's African American! The views he's expressed over the years have always indicated that John leans more to the left than the right. Guy Gardner's about as Republican you could get outside of an anthropomorphic elephant. He's going McCain. I'm willing to bet Kyle Rayner hasn't voted in a single presidential election in his life. He just doesn't strike me as the most politically plugged in guy in the world. I doubt this will change this year.
Green Arrow - Do you even have to ask. I mean, I'm sure Ollie's first impulse will be to vote for Nader, but ultimately he'll go Democrat. He just hates those "fat-cat, fascist pigs" so much.
Wolverine - Logan's Canadian, eh. He can't vote here.
Wonder Woman - Pretty sure she's not a citizen, being the princess of a hidden island populated entirely by warrior women.
Multiple Man - Madrox's ballot will be invalidated when one of his duplicates tries to vote for McCain while another tries to vote for Obama. The warring dupes will each try to create armies of voting duplicates to try and run up the vote totals for their respective candidates.
Thank you for allowing me to indulge myself here. Who did I forget?
Very entertaining. :) I got some of them and would love the others, too, if I knew the superheroes involved.