Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Call For Recommendations

I love my iPod, I love it to the extent that I don't really listen to the radio anymore (aside for the 2 minutes or so it takes for my clock radio to wake me up in the morning). The upside of that is that I don't have to waste my time with the crap music and annoying DJs that seem to permeate commercial radio. The downside is that I feel like I've closed off the primary channel for discovering stuff I haven't heard before, that I'm just listening to the same old stuff that I already know I like over and over again. So, to anyone who happens upon this post, if there's any artist or song or album that you particularly love and think I should listen to, then let me know in the comments. Don't worry about genre, I'm pretty open minded musically; I've just got an itch to discover some new stuff.


  1. 1. Pandora online will give you recommendations based on your music library.

    2. Turn on the ministore in iTunes. It'll show you similar stuff, but less creatively than Pandora.

    3. Do you have a Mac? If so, I can connect you to some people beta testing a great new program that's relevant....let's email for details.

  2. 1. I've played around with Last.fm, which sounds similar to Pandora, but I'll check that out, too. Thanks.

    2. Yeah, I check out the recommendations from the iTunes store from time to time.

    3. No Mac, have a PC.

  3. Another thought: Find a forum where people share music leads. Or start one. Or spam your friends with requests for music that is X, Y, and Q.
