It's Wednesday, which means New Comics Day, and I noticed a couple of #1's on the shipping list that I thought I'd mention.

First, there's FRANKLIN RICHARDS: SUMMER SMACKDOWN! # 1. For those not familiar with the Franklin Richards, Son of A Genius one-shots that Marvel's been putting out (of which this is yet another entry), think Calvin & Hobbes if Calvin were the son of the world's smartest man and Hobbes were his long-suffering robot nanny. These things are always a lot of fun and I look forward to them whenever they come out. Given the regularity with which Marvel puts out these Franklin Richards specials I have to assume they sell pretty well. I'm glad that's the case, because they're lots of fun and will hopefully continue for a long time to come.

Next is the relaunch of Spider-Man loves Mary Jane with new series writer Terry Moore. I'm sure I put my tenuous claim to masculinity at risk by admitting my fondness for what can best be described as a relationship comic, but I don't care. I loved the original incarnation of this series by original writer Sean McKeever and who better to continue the story than Terry Moore of Strangers In Paradise fame.
While it's always dangerous to recommend something sight unseen, I feel pretty confident in these two books being good. So, if you find yourself around the comic store today I'd suggest giving them a look.
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