Blog@Newsarama has a story about a religious group objecting to an upcoming Barbie doll dressed as the DC Comics superheroine Black Canary. The complaint is:
"Barbie has always been on the tarty side and this is taking it too far,” the Christian Voice is quoted as saying by the tabloid The Sun. “A children’s doll in sexually suggestive clothing is irresponsible — it’s filth.”
The line of superheroine Barbies will also include a Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Catwoman. How is this costume any more suggestive than the others. It certainly covers more than Wonder Woman's. It's the use of fishnets and leather, isn't it. They don't automatically equal fetish wear, you know (well, anymore than all superhero costumes are a kind of fetish wear). At the risk of damning it with faint praise, I'd say the Canary's costume is one of the more tasteful superheroine costumes in comics. It's certainly one of the cooler ones.
The technical term is "bogus." Their complaints are "bogus." Why is it that people randomly assign values to things then everyone must then follow? Fishnets = sexy and maybe kinky is just one. Grr.