Thursday, July 10, 2008

AFI's 10 Top 10 Part X: Epic

At last, the final Top 10 list from AFI. Apparently the AFI was saving the biggest for last, as this list is for the Epics.

1. Lawrence of Arabia
2. Ben-Hur
3. Schindler's List
4. Gone With the Wind
5. Spartacus
6. Titanic
7. All Quiet On the Western Front
8. Saving Private Ryan
9. Reds
10. The Ten Commandments

So, apparently we're defining Epic as long since length seems to be the only thing these movies have in common. I'm not sure I like that definition, as I tend to think the term "epic" suggests a grandeur of scope or a spectacle of some kind. Certainly, most of these films would fit that definition as well, the one problem inclusion is Schindler's List. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic movie and I'm glad to see it on a list, but, while it is a long movie, it doesn't feel as "big" as the other movies on the list. I can't quite put my finger on why that is so; maybe it's the emotional temperature of the movie, much colder, much darker than the others. Maybe it's the weightiness of the subject matter that makes the film feel more contained. Whatever it is, it just feels strange to call it an epic.

Lawrence of Arabia, on the other hand, I couldn't agree with more. My answer to the question "What's your favorite movie?" fluctuates depending on my mood, but Lawrence of Arabia is a frequent answer. The story of Western meddling in the Middle East is particularly interesting given recent history.

There's a part of me that wants to object to Titanic being included on the list. However, I think that's just my pretentious cinephile showing through, a reaction to the movie being too popular in the culture and a little over exposed. For the most part though, I did like the film (though it falls in the category of "Movies I will only see once"), and it certainly qualifies as epic. So, I'll just tell that part of me to lighten up.

Saving Private Ryan is the other inclusion that I'm particularly pleased with. I loved this movie, even have a poster up on my wall.

The only other comment I have on this list is more a reflection on the fact that I have never seen The Ten Commandments. This despite the fact that it's on television every Easter. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually.

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