Monday, December 1, 2008

The Plan

Between the holidays, business, laziness, and a lack of inspiration, I've been neglecting my blog of late. I'm back now, and I've decided to create more of a structure for this thing. Partly as an excersise to see if I can operate under a set structure and set of deadlines, and partly because structure can help to bring my ideas of what to write into focus. Here's the new weekly schedule I'm going to try (TBD means To Be Determined, which means that I've got no idea what I want to do on that day yet.):

Sunday - TBD (Though I'm thinking I might use it to talk about interesting things coming up in the week)

Monday - Haiku of the Week - My Haiku of the Day blog becomes more inaccurately named by the day, so I think I'll just fold it into the main blog and cut back to once a week, a schedule I'll probably be better able to maintain.

Tuesday - Words and Pictures - I'll explain more about this idea on Tuesday.

Wednesday - TBD (I acutally have an idea for this, but it's a bit more time consuming, so I probably won't start before the new year).

Thursday - TBD

Friday - My 200 Word writing project which I will hopefully be able to start back this Friday.

Saturday - TBD

This plan probably seems a little gradiose for a simple blog without a whole lot of traffic, but really I'm much more interested in using this as an intellectual and creative excersise than as an online diary. To that end, I do welcome feedback. If there's something you want to see more of, let me know. If there's something you want to see less of, let me know that, too.

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