I'm seriously considering shaving my head, largely because I hate getting haircuts and am pretty lazy about my hair upkeep. I do wash it (I'm a very clean slob), but not much else...I tend to have mad-scientist hair most of the time (on the good days, on the bad days it's more middle-age accountant hair).
The main thing stopping me from taking the plunge is fear. Two fears to be precise:
1. That it won't grow back.
2. That I'll discover that I've got a funny shaped head. A strange bump or dent perhaps.
Oh, and I'm afraid I'd end up looking a bit too much like Bobby from "King of the Hill"
Honestly, I can't picture you with a shaven head. On the other hand, I have thought that in the past about others who have shaved, and I end up being pleasantly surprised. Ultimately, I think it's a very personal thing: Some people think it's good, others not so much. So maybe the key consideration, aside from your own preference, is: Which looks more professional as you look for a new job? :) As for growing back...It will! Take it from me, though, when I say that the growing in period can be rough (from when I cut my hair short, not shaved).