Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Re: Heroes Season 3 Premiere

Wow. And I thought the X-Men had bleak potential futures.

It seems like no matter what the characters do on Heroes, everything is destined to turn to shit at some point in the future. Season one there was a devastating explosion wiping out most of Manhattan followed by an immensely powerful psychopath becoming president (and so far that seems to be the best of the bunch). Season two we had a glimpse of a world devastated by some kind of super-virus (was it a virus, it's been so long and the season was so short, I've sort of forgotten). This season, in the first episode alone we get a peek at what I think are two different possibles. First we get Dark Peter's future, which seems to be shades of "Days of Future Past" (X-Men reference for my non-geek readers), then we get Hiro's visit to a future with some sort of massive disaster that looks to be wiping out Tokyo, if not the whole world. I'd ask why even bother trying anymore, but then I guess that's why the show's called Heroes.

Other thoughts: Yay, a speedster! And I hope we get to see more of her and Hiro interacting; they're powers are a great match-up. Yay, Kristen Bell's back! I didn't pay close enough attention to the credits to see if she's a regular or not, but hopefully she shows up in a good number of episodes. Yay, Malcolm McDowell's back! Hopefully we'll get to see a good bit of him this season as well, because he's all kinds of awesome. The season's off to a good start, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.

1 comment:

  1. For once, a show I can talk to you about--because I'm actually watching it! The reason is mostly social. A small group of friends picks a show to watch together every season, and Heroes is it this time around. I didn't watch the first two seasons, though, but got synopses.

    Yes, it's utter bleakness. And gross, too. (Best line so far involved the word "disgusting." Don't want to spoil it for anyone, but you probably know which one I mean.)

    One wonders whether there is a limit of hopelessness after which there is no point in making a show. We humans need *something* to hang on to!
