Friday, September 12, 2008

200 Words: "Timelapse" Part 7

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

It was early afternoon by the time Jim was ready to mail his completed letter. He dropped the letter in a mailbox across the street from the library and he waited.

Jim wasn't exactly sure what he was waiting for, but wait he did.

He waited. And waited. And waited. After two hours, Jim had nothing to show for his waiting aside from loose change tossed at him by passersby. Had the future been changed? Would at least some of the events he had listed be averted? Apparently he'd have to wait and find out along with everyone else. That realization left Jim with one question: What now?

He was still ten years in his own past with no clear purpose and no way to get back. That meant he was going to have to live this part of his life over again. This was not good news.

It's not that this was a bad time in his life, he'd just done it all before. Beyond that, there was the problem of memory. He remembered general things about this time of his life, but many of the details had been washed away by the intervening decade. He needed a guide.

1 comment:

  1. Time travel and making tricky. Will he perhaps not notice changes because he will have lived them? Maybe I don't read enough time travel to know the conventions of how this is dealt with.

    I wonder what guide he'll choose.
